Andrej Uličný - Creo Ergo Sum

My Poetry

Peace is the answer

War. Always a mistake.

Our sons and daughters as cannon fodder.

No matter who wins. We always loose.

War. A playground of the elites to make money on our spilled blood.

The scourge for our mothers.

Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, Ukraine, Israel.

War never changes. Only the teams do.

The only way to stop war is to stop fighting.

The only way to stop fighting is stop supporting those who do.

Cut your support.

Stop sending your taxes they use to buy weapons.
Stop sending your sons and daughters.
Stop listening to warmongers of all shapes and colours.

Send flowers, send teachers, send love.

Ignore the media telling you what to think.
They're selling war and we're not buying.

Choose compassion, not sides.
Or are our children more precious then theirs?